Empress Theresa Wiki

Lying is an unfortunate tactic used by Norman Boutin in his interaction with critics. He also employs censorship in order to hide his more embarrassing posts, such as deleting his own comments on Amazon.


Below are examples of lies Norman Boutin has told, or lies he was caught telling.

  • Norman Boutin, who claims to love the military, called one of his critics cowards. As it so happens, that critic happened to be a navy veteran, hence Norman had called a navy veteran a coward. When he was called out on this, Norman Boutin deleted his original comments and acted as if his critics were making up the charge.[1]
  • Norman Boutin regularly made the claim that a "university curriculum coordinator" had read Empress Theresa in one sitting, loved it, and gave it to her 37-year old daughter to read.[2] Eventually critics pressed Norman Boutin to either name the coordinator, or at the very least name the university for which she worked. Norman Boutin continued to deflect and avoid the question, deleted some of his comments mentioning her, then began to call it a "story." This suggested to some that it had never happened. To this day, Norman Boutin has not validated whether or not a "university curriculum coordinator" really did read and love his book.[3] At one point, when someone pressed him to stop dancing around the question, Norman Boutin simply replied, "Aw shut up!"[4]
  • A long, detailed response to one of Norman Boutin's Amazon comments was written by an Amazon user named Michael McFarlane.[5] According to Amazon's timecode, it was written "Mar 5, 2015 11:00:19 AM PST," and last edited "Mar 5, 2015 11:06:26 AM PST." Norman Boutin made a general post afterward, defending Theresa's moral character against critics who said she behaved improperly.[6] Norman Boutin then claimed in a follow up response that McFarlane had "changed paragraph 5 of that post" to "delete the material" about Theresa's immoral character, saying that it had been refuted in his last post.[7] However, Norman Boutin's post was written "Mar 5, 2015 2:41:00 PM PST" and last edited at "Mar 5, 2015 2:51:08 PM PST" (again, according to Amazon time stamps). This proves Boutin's accusation was a lie; McFarlane's last edit came nearly four hours before Norman's post - how could McFarlane had gone back and changed it? Amazon users were quick to call him out on this.[8][9][10] In the end, Norman could do little but repeat "internet trolls are scum" ad nauseum.

Pot and Kettle

Norman Boutin is fond of calling his critics liars. Oftentimes he does so when a person has simply misunderstood something in his book which he didn't explain. Other times, he will simply call them liars with absolutely no substantiation. As has been seen, there are times where Norman Boutin can be shown to have lied, therefore his accusations come across more as projection than legitimate charges.


  1. http://www.amazon.com/review/R1U460R88DR2E2/ref=cm_cr_rev_detmd_pl?ie=UTF8&asin=B00MJPIX26&cdForum=Fx32NQR1MUHPCVO&cdMsgID=Mx1A3VVUMHEN6D2&cdMsgNo=89&cdPage=9&cdSort=oldest&cdThread=TxQA03WM82RZXF&store=digital-text#Mx1A3VVUMHEN6D2
  2. http://forums.catholic.com/showpost.php?p=11857306&postcount=73
  3. Much of the conversation can be seen here and in the following pages: http://www.amazon.com/review/R1U460R88DR2E2/ref=cm_cd_pg_pg4?ie=UTF8&asin=B00MJPIX26&cdForum=Fx32NQR1MUHPCVO&cdPage=4&cdSort=oldest&cdThread=TxQA03WM82RZXF&store=digital-text#wasThisHelpful
  4. http://www.amazon.com/review/R1U460R88DR2E2/ref=cm_cr_rev_detmd_pl?ie=UTF8&asin=B00MJPIX26&cdForum=Fx32NQR1MUHPCVO&cdMsgID=MxCQSGC2AZTFVJ&cdMsgNo=52&cdPage=6&cdSort=oldest&cdThread=TxQA03WM82RZXF&store=digital-text#MxCQSGC2AZTFVJ
  5. http://www.amazon.com/review/R1U460R88DR2E2/ref=cm_cr_rev_detmd_pl?ie=UTF8&asin=B00MJPIX26&cdForum=Fx32NQR1MUHPCVO&cdMsgID=Mx8TABQDGQGKD9&cdMsgNo=409&cdPage=41&cdSort=oldest&cdThread=TxQA03WM82RZXF&store=digital-text#Mx8TABQDGQGKD9
  6. http://www.amazon.com/review/R1U460R88DR2E2/ref=cm_cr_rev_detmd_pl?ie=UTF8&asin=B00MJPIX26&cdForum=Fx32NQR1MUHPCVO&cdMsgID=MxAJB2DY5XVNZV&cdMsgNo=412&cdPage=42&cdSort=oldest&cdThread=TxQA03WM82RZXF&store=digital-text#MxAJB2DY5XVNZV
  7. http://www.amazon.com/review/R1U460R88DR2E2/ref=cm_cr_rev_detmd_pl?ie=UTF8&asin=B00MJPIX26&cdForum=Fx32NQR1MUHPCVO&cdMsgID=Mx1XSQ32BI1CG4R&cdMsgNo=414&cdPage=42&cdSort=oldest&cdThread=TxQA03WM82RZXF&store=digital-text#Mx1XSQ32BI1CG4R
  8. http://www.amazon.com/review/R1U460R88DR2E2/ref=cm_cr_rev_detmd_pl?ie=UTF8&asin=B00MJPIX26&cdForum=Fx32NQR1MUHPCVO&cdMsgID=Mx3UADF08YFV2GU&cdMsgNo=415&cdPage=42&cdSort=oldest&cdThread=TxQA03WM82RZXF&store=digital-text#Mx3UADF08YFV2GU
  9. http://www.amazon.com/review/R1U460R88DR2E2/ref=cm_cr_rev_detmd_pl?ie=UTF8&asin=B00MJPIX26&cdForum=Fx32NQR1MUHPCVO&cdMsgID=Mx1TT7W10SFFP3C&cdMsgNo=416&cdPage=42&cdSort=oldest&cdThread=TxQA03WM82RZXF&store=digital-text#Mx1TT7W10SFFP3C
  10. http://www.amazon.com/review/R1U460R88DR2E2/ref=cm_cr_rev_detmd_pl?ie=UTF8&asin=B00MJPIX26&cdForum=Fx32NQR1MUHPCVO&cdMsgID=Mx3RY5ZOW3PNHW0&cdMsgNo=419&cdPage=42&cdSort=oldest&cdThread=TxQA03WM82RZXF&store=digital-text#Mx3RY5ZOW3PNHW0